
Squint (Adult)

Squint is another term for “strabismus,” a condition where the eyes are not aligned properly. It causes one eye to look in a different direction than the other when focusing on an object. Squint can occur in both children and adults and may manifest as:

Symptoms can include double vision, eyes appearing crossed or misaligned, and reduced depth perception.

What Causes Adult Strabismus ?

Some of those problems may include:

Treatment depends on the severity and type of squint and may include-

Here are some common indications for squint surgery:

Before undergoing squint surgery, it’s important to consult with an ophthalmologist or a strabismus specialist who can assess the specific type and severity of the squint and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan, which may or may not include surgical intervention. Recovery from squint surgery typically involves a short hospital stay and careful follow-up to monitor eye alignment and visual outcomes.

Squint (Child)

There are many reasons for squint in a child-

Treatment Options

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